The automatic translation is necessarily imprecise. This translation does not replace the reading of German or English original texts.
The rune master introduces the text with the wording oÞlæ unneg in order to procure his client a safe way into war. As we had it with hronæsban on the F-Panel the phrase is composed of f>9 runes. Their runic value is is 102, divisible again by 3.
Altogether we count 69 runes and 3 dots, and thus receive the magic 72, (3 x 24). Less productive is the runic value, if it is 939. According to the pattern of all the other panels it should be divisible by the value of the alliterating rune , that is by 5,better even by 15
, the value of the rune . That would be 930 or, even better, 960. The missing value, 28 (e.g. , OE ear, 'earth, grave', or any other set of runes) sems to be missing in the total amount of all values 3572 instead of 3600). Should the carver with his 10-finger calculator have been wrong or - more likely - me, computer-aided? Or is there a hidden plan, anyway?
Another observation makes it likely that actually 960 was intended. The text consists of 3 sections with two stresses each, altogether 7 stresses:  (romwalus, reumwalus// twægen, gibroÞer// fœdde wylif // romæcæstri ). If we now insert the values of these particular runes, we find this:
+ = 5 + 5 = 10;
+ = 17 + 7 = 24;
+ + = 1 + 8 + 5 = 14.
Total 48 (2 x 24).
960 can be divided by these values: 10 (= 96), 24 (= 40) and 48 (= 20).
All these results base on 3 and 4.
So 960 seems to be designed for this particular charm.
If that is a chain of events we get: Heavenly help at war (R-Panel) // glory (T-Panel) // fate [ = 9] and fortunate change (H-Panel) // war aiding help (Æ-Panel). - That reads like the programme of the casket.
More than that (though it may sound rather sophisticated): The sum of these 7 runic values is 48, that is 2 x 24 (24 per twin?). 960 : 48 is 20; rather still: 960 : 24 being 40 (per twin!). And 40 ist 10 times 4, the value of the rune , os, die rune of the pagan gods, the Æsir. - As this principle of divisibility works with all four panels, the result is hardly casual!
Let us have a final look at the runes of the stressed sylables. We get the sequence: o u - r r - t g - f w - r, in runes
If we understand the runes from their symbolic value, they can tell us a very detailed story, we simply have to read the 9 runes (i.e. their terms) in the sequence in which they appear:
os, Os, one of the Æsir (Woden?); ur, aurochs, strength (in battle); rad, ride (into battle), devine twins; tir is the old god of war, Tiw, and stands for victory; gifu, gift; feoh, wealth; wyn, joy (honour and glory); rad, divine helper, twins or valkyrie. The three dots at the end of the text may stand for þorn, and will have referred originally to 'Thor'.
And this would be the story: When our hero goes to war Woden, the god of war, endows him with strength and courage. Two divine helpers, the sons of Mars, Woden's Roman counterpart, accompany him on his way to combat and assist him in battle. Thus protected, he gains victory over his enemy. Success brings rich booty, feohgift, wealth, which means honour and glory, and his rank among the heroes in the hall, under a noble and generous king). It is a life in joy. But when the Norns decree the end of his life, he will meet his former helpers, quite likely in the shape of a valkyrie. She will paralyse him so that he receives the fatal blow, revive the dead warrior and take him to Walhalla, for which Thor (Þorr), the son of Odin/Woden seems to stand. His site of worship is the holy grove where we meet the sons of Mars.
The 9 stressed runes (out of the magic 72) describe the ideal journey through life, a hero's life. Notably enough is the fact that a similar constellation of runes (twœgen/gibroþera/fœdde), , returns on the T-Panel: fegtaþ/titus/giuþeasu in the sequence .
The F-Panel, we remember, has f and g in alliteration: